Sunday 12 April 2020

Taxi Charity Looking After Our Veterans This Easter, And Making SureThey Stay Safe Throughout The Pandemic


150 bars of Easter chocolate have been sent out to our veterans to give them some cheer and let them know that we are thinking of them and here for them during this crisis. Happy Easter from all at the Taxi Charity.

Earlier this week, one of our committee members, (London cabbie Brian) dropped off some Easter pressies for John , Ernie and Dicky.

All these WW2 Royal Navy vets are currently isolating so let’s hope the bottle of rum, an easter egg and loo roll cheered them up. By their smiles I’d say... job done. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Taxi Charity has called on London’s black cabbies and charity supporters to go the extra mile to ensure that veterans have someone to chat with, or to do their shopping. 

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