Tuesday 17 March 2020

London Bridge Access Thanks To ITA Protests plus Good News From Garages And CC Equipment Providers

London Bridge closed yesterday to most vehicles for the next seven months except buses, taxis, motorcycles and bicycles will be able to use the bridge until October.

We have to thank the ITA protests from last year for being included in access along with buses, cycles and pedestrians. 

Private hire, freight vehicles and general traffic will be diverted. Pedestrians have been warned pavement space will be reduced until Agust 7.

Taxi leaks sent an open letter yesterday to TfL, Westminster, Camden, Islington, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and the City of London, saying that with most people working from home and most of the population of London self isolating, now would be a perfect time to complete all the major road roads. 

With Central London looking like a scene from 28 days later, London would be spared the usual continued gridlock caused by TfL and local council planners. 

So far, not one council has replied, but to be honest we expected that because that’s the contempt these councils have for the folks who pay their very nice wages. 

Taxi leaks extra bit: 
More good news in the form of rental reductions from major Taxi garages. Plus news that Cabvision is to reduce commission and CMT’s Arrow app is to remove its 8% commission till June. 

Let’s hope more garages and apps follow suit in this present emergency. 

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