Wednesday 25 September 2019

Don’t Think There’s A Conflict Of Interest Connection Between TfL And Uber.... Well, Think Again!

MQT on 2017-06-22
Session date: 
June 22, 2017
Question By: 
David Kurten
Asked Of: 
The Mayor

How much of the TfL Pension Fund is currently managed by the US investment management corporation Blackrock and is this appropriate and ethical, given TfL's responsibility for ensuring compliance with taxi and private hire legislation and Blackrock's £500 million stake in the transportation network company Uber?


Answered By: 
The Mayor
Tuesday, 27th June 2017
The TfL Pension Fund is governed by TfL Trustee Company Limited, which is a separate entity from TfL and is managed by its own board of directors known as trustees. The trustee directors have fiduciary responsibilities governing the way they are required to run the pension fund. 

The TfL Board, including the Mayor of London, has no direct control or decision making authority nor can it direct the activities of the TfL Pension Fund. This is a matter solely for the trustee directors.

The TfL Pension Fund has total assets in excess of £9.8 billion as at 31 March 2017, and has appointed, having taken expert advice from its own independent investment advisers, a total of 27 investment firms covering 35 individual investment mandates across all asset classes.

Blackrock Investment Management (UK) Limited (as at 31 March 2017) manage 5 individual mandates for the TfL Pension Fund, the total value of which as at 31 March 2017 was £4bn.

Image by Mirna Bourne

1 comment:

Tx1Fan said...

That response is absolutely true, there is a management company investing TfLs pension funds. But that isn't the question. The question is... Whether or not TfL can choose where its pension fund 8s invested is neither here nor there. Its how they treat a company their pension scheme is invested in that is the question. Not whether they chose where to invest it. The question hadn't been answered. The question remains given their pension IS invested in Uber is there a conflict of interest.