Monday, 3 December 2018

There Are Lies, Damn lies, And TfL Accident Statistics ... BankJunction 4-7pm All Week.

After the success of the week long protest in London Bridge, the ever growing ranks of the Proactive ITA move northwards to the Bank Junction itself.
We now know that the same tactic have been used at Tooley Street that resulted in a ban from the Bank Junction. But we now have the proof that there have been no accidents at the junction of London Bridge and Tooley Street, involving vehicles other than Cycles and Motorcycles.

Support from an unlikely source. 
Andrew Boff asks London Maror Sadiq Khan a question, on behalf of the Taxi Trades right of passage along Tooley Street's bus lane and access from London Bridge. 

TfL don't own the roads, we do. They just (mis)manage them.
When massive upheavals like CSH's, Torrington Place, Judd Street, Tottenham Court Road, Bank Junction, Tooley Street, etc are proposed, the consultations should go out to London Rate Payers only, and not cycle clubs in Devon and Cornwall.
The lose of bus lane access is one of the biggest threats to the trade ever. We are hearing that certain PH companies are intent of providing minibus pool services which could use bus lanes in the same fashion as tour buses and coaches.

This is a fight we must win.
There will be no more waiting and seeing.  
Some say @ProactiveITA is now the go to face of the Taxi industry with 4K plus drivers they can call upon for direct action.
Driver numbers are growing daily, and between them, created a huge show of force at London Bridge with a week long protest. 
This is true driver representation and the clear message is that the LTDA are no longer relevant.

There were both RMT and LCDC reps on the bridge, there as cab drivers, but no doubt would’ve helped any of their members if a problem had arisen.
We are all cab drivers at the end of the day .... this is where many in the trade have a problem with our largest org where must of their COM haven’t actually driven a Taxi for many years and are alleged to be out of touch.
Show your support for your colleagues and come along to the Bank Junction protests, all next week, 4-7pm.

Listen to the report from "The Bridge" by our man at the scene, Mick Smith, on London Taxi Radio. Click link below

Every Taxi that attends the protests will be awarded a Blue Dot badge. Make sure you get yours. Only one way to get one, turn up at the protest.

Trade unity is needed more now than ever before....if the orgs won't unite behind the driver led action, we have to drop them and fight on without them.


Anonymous said...

Left comment everywhere, I am the first to slag of drivers working during demos and have been on most.
I cannot attend these demos due to not being able to leave the house till late and feel that trying to separate pro active drivers from scabs is also going to make genuine non attendees to demos look bad because they do not have a blue dot. Not only tribal but quite frankly childish.

Anonymous said...

I would’ve thought that a childish, juvenile & ultimately selfish action, would surely be; to not support your colleagues, if you have no valid reason! However, I do think that if anyone decides not to go on any demo or work through it, it’s up to that person. There may be many reasons why somebody would do this and it is just not on, to abuse or criticise anyone, who does so. In many cases, I would imagine those who do work on, may think twice at the next demo & probably support it. It’s all about getting the message over in a sensible & polite manner. Remember the old adage that winning hearts & minds, is surely better than a contribution to divide & conquer. The public are surprisingly supportive, it seems, of the problems - so try to keep a sense of dignity & politeness.