Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Where Buses Go, We Go. Day Two : Protest Unnecessary Say TfL

Day two, another successful protest with nothing crossing the bridge for three hours.

The Tooley Street consultation wasn’t due out till early next year, but worried about the reaction from the more militant driver led orgs, TfL bought the consultation forward, believing Taxi driver wouldn’t protest so close to Christmas. 

Apparently, they were caught on the hop and are now screaming that the chaos around London Bridge is unnecessary. 

Ben Plowden, TfL's director of strategy and network development, said in a statement: "A consultation is currently underway on changes to Tooley Street to improve conditions for people walking and cycling, or traveling by public transport.

"The best way for people to let us know what they think about these proposals is to respond to the consultation, so this type of protest is unnecessary".

That’s not true. The trouble is that TfL take no notice of consultations that don’t go their way. 

We’ve seen time and time again TfL ignore the results of previous consultations, then implement what ever they wanted to do regardless of public opinion. 

The latest example was when they completed ignored the residence of W1, when they wanted to pedestrianise Oxford Street. It was only the fact that Westminster council threatened TfL with legal action that the plan was eventually scrapped. 

Plowden went on to say:

"All feedback on our proposals will be thoroughly assessed and taken into account."

The consultation for the Tooley Street scheme runs until January 9, TfL insist no decision will be made until all responses are considered.

Again, as we’ve seen many times before, TfL have already made their mind up and will always bow to the cyclist lobby. 

The protests are set to continue. 

Watch Grant Davis interview with LTDA member on periscope :



Again, something else we achieved today...The Police not only opened the Bank Junction to all traffic, they also made TfL open Cannon Street. 

More news from the Bridge head 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Although, I was a bit dubious of the effect this series of demos would have, I have been pleasantly surprised. I was also worried that the public would not be supportive & possibly feel aggrieved. However, it has been an eye opener in both cases as the public have been very friendly & supportive. Comments have been made that they are also fed up with the authorities - who are meant to make their lives easier - constantly, making decisions that have a negative & depressing effect upon their lives. They also feel that nobody is listening to them and what they desire but instead making decisions that affect them in a financially negative way & make their lives harder than need be.
I think the public - like cab drivers - have had enough now & want all the charlatans in control taken to task. In my whole life I have never known the average working man have such a monotonous lifestyle. It’s all hunky dory for the bike riding, latte/mocca mob, who ‘earn’ good wages & have plenty of money, they’re fine. Although, I really feel sorry for the average working man with a couple of kids & a mortgage to pay. Even worse, is that many of the terrible decisions (particularly, regarding traffic planning & road closures) are made by people who have neither grown up in or in some cases live(d) in London & seem oblivious to how London operates!!! Consequently, these individuals (& I’m not sure whether they’re misguided or malicious) will have completely ruined London, with their absolutely cretinous decisions! It’s completely ridiculous now & god forbid anyone who is infirm or needing urgent medical care, via ambulance or car - they’ll be better off praying or using a service outside London! Good luck one & all.