Monday, 29 October 2018

Exclusive : The FIX 2.... LTDA AGM...You Decide ? ..... by LondonTaxiRadio.

The LTDA’s 2018 AGM. 

Forget what you’ve been told, here is The LTDA’s AGM (before, during and after) detailing the scandalous lengths the COM will go to prevent drivers asking pertinent questions that desperately need answering.

See video below 👀

After suffering a landslide defeat at the 2017 branch elections, what could the association do to ensure another 2 outsiders don’t become eligible for elections to the COM in 2020? 

Surely they wouldn’t be reduced to staging another debacle like the one at Harlesden? 

Or perhaps something worse, like an engineered series of events that’d lead to the branches - and subsequent election- being cancelled? 

You decide


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thing is nothing will change you all still keep paying your subs