Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Press Release : United Taxi Action Group Launch Judicial Review Of Uber Decision

London taxi drivers have commenced a JR of a court decision to allow Uber a licence. 

The High Court action is based on a conflict, bias, apparent bias and flawed reasoning. 

It seeks to quash the judgement which allowed Uber to operate for a further 15 months. 

The action seeks a re-hearing with a newly constituted court. 

It is the first part of a three-phase legal action which will include TfL and Uber.

Papers have been filed for a judicial review of the decision by Westminster Magistrate Court to give Uber permission to continue to operate despite the company admitting that it had repeatedly failed to conform to the law. The action is being bought by the United Cabbies Group (UCG) on behalf of the United Trade Action Group (UTAG).

It’s solicitors, Darren Roger of Chiltern Law, has instructed Robert Griffiths and Stuart Jessie if 6 Pump Court Chambers. 

The claim which was filed Yesterday is based on the admission by the courts Chief Magistrate, Emma Arbuthnot, that she was conflicted in the case. Last month The Guardian reported that her husband worked for one of Uber’s biggest investors. The revelation printed Ms Arbuthnot to rule herself out from future cases involving Uber. 

"By admitting it was big enough to stop her hearing future cases, it shows that she had no right to sit in the case in which she gave Uber a green light" said Angie Clarkson of the United Trade Action Group. 

The High Court action will challenge Ms Arbuthnot’s decision on the basis of actual and apparent bias. The claim will also look at the reasoning behind her decision to renew Uber’s licence for 15 months. It will argue that the extension resulted from unreasonable implausible and illogical reasoning. 

It will also highlight how the judge made no finding that Uber was a "fit and proper person" according to the legislation. Despite this, she still granted the licence. 

The claim is the start of a series of legal actions which will challenge Uber’s business model and commercial practices as well as the failure of TfL to effectively regulate them. 

"The legal storm clouds are gathering over Uber. It’s reckless approach to the law is finally catching up with it" said Trevor Merralls of the United Cabbies Group. 

TAXI LEAKS EXTRA BIT : by Lenny Etheridge. 

A dozen or so tried and trusted proactive Taxi drivers attended a United trade meeting yesterday, all came away with big smiles and a positive spring in their step.

This is the big one, the one Taxi drivers on social media, around tea stalls, in greasy spoons and sat in cab shelters have been calling for and dreaming about.



We know this isn't going to be easy, because there are far too many drivers out there who are totally disinterested with trade matters. They don't do social media, they rarely read taxi trade printed media and don't mix much with other drivers. These are the ones we have to reach!

There will soon be leaflets available which volunteers will be distributing at most ranks. Don't just read them, pass them on. Tell the next driver to read and pass on.

You can also help by spreading the word.
While you sit on a rank, talk to and discuss UTAG's action and try to get as many if your trade friends interested as possible. 

As Trevor Merralls  said in his interview on LTR, the more drivers who sign up to this action, the cheaper it becomes individually.

A Touch Of The Dunkirk Spirit...
Last night a line was drawn in the sand, every moan, every criticism, all past baggage was left behind as the most proactive drivers and stakeholders stepped over the line, came together and formed the Untied Taxi Action Group. 

This isn't about if....this has already begun, the papers have been served.....And now it's your turn, to become proactive, support your trade, your livelihood, it's what puts the food on your table for your family....

Or, are you going to sit back and watch everything you worked for on the knowledge of London disappear before your very eyes? 

We are thrilled to announce that as a result of the meeting with stakeholders yesterday, a total of £100,000 has been pledged toward UTAG Legal action by four of them. 

Three more have confirmed they will be donating even though they could not make the meeting. Wonderful generosity.

Naturally we cannot name them for confidentiality reasons.

We hope eventually we can name them as they have been absolutely superb and deserve our total support toward their businesses.

A founder stakeholder and true UTAG supporter has already put his head above the parapet 


William Sutherland said...

How do I donate

Editorial said...

Details of how to donate will follow soon