Tuesday, 11 September 2018

It Used To Be Lions Lead By Sheep, But Now It's Sheep Lead By Sheep....by Jim Thomas

Tuesday 11 September : Just been informed that at a meeting earlier today, the United Trade Group (UTG) agreed not to support Chris Johnson’s Limb B Action, even though most of them had no idea what his action is about and hadn’t even read any of his posts on social media. 

They (the UTG) admitted they hadn’t read and didn’t understand Chris Johnson’s action...so
Why didn’t they invite him or SPD to explain it to them at this meeting ?

Also at the meeting, Steve McNamara announced he (the LTDA) would not be objecting to the Uber court case decision, as he didn’t think we could win.

If Steve thinks we can’t win an objection against Uber’s appeal judgement, when it has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that the Chief Magistrate (Emma Arbuthnot) had a direct conflict of interest (though her husband Baron Arbuthnot) and has since been banned from any future Uber cases/trials, then why is he fronting the consortium case for compensation, asking drivers to sign up without first seeing any T&Cs. (Strange that!)

More interestingly, did they take minutes, so we can check exactly what was said ?

It seems like the LTDA have rolled over every time, every conflict, scared to act, scared to upset TfL, scared to represent the rank and file who pay their wages. 

We are losing rank spaces, bus lane access, access to the Bank Junction, Tottenham Court Road, and all we get from our largest org is "let’s wait and see".

More recently they cancelled branch meetings, they scrapped a branch, they cancelled the branch election... and they just keep getting away with it.
This is getting more like a SitCom.

In my opinion, this trade is no longer represented democratically, it appears we are now part of a self styled dictatorship lead by Steve Mc and all the other orgs appear to be too frightened to upset him and so, do as they’re told.

It’s now up to you the drivers alone, to fight for the trades survival on the streets. 

Your orgs appear not to be representing you best interests.... some never did and some never even entered the ring when the bell went for the start of round 1.

EXTRA COMMENT : from Chris Johnson.
My understanding of the all trade meeting yesterday is: @Sammyscarf & Micky Walker argued for supporting a claim for worker rights:
but the other 4 orgs/unions didn't support

TAXI LEAKS EXTRA BIT : by Patric Lynch. 
Last week, the London Taxi trade lots 114 drivers....that's apart from the ones who have taken other jobs but are holding on to their licenses!

Licences issued
Information about the number and type of licence issued will be updated regularly. The following figures cover the week ending Sunday 9 September 2018:

Taxi driver licences - 23,426: a decrease of 114 on the previous week, 10 licences are new. Of those taxi drivers, 20,479 hold All London licences, and 2,947 hold Suburban licences.

Taxi vehicle licences - 20,537: a decrease of 19 on the previous week, 28 licences are new.
Private hire driver licences - 109,613: a decrease of 177 on the previous week, 110 licences are new.
Private hire vehicle licences - 87,426: a decrease of 21 on the previous week, 415 licences are new.
Private hire operator licences - 2,316: a decrease of 3 on the previous week, 2 licences are new.


Anonymous said...

Lions led by parasites would be more of an apt description!

Dads Defending Daughters said...

I love that one "Lions led by paracites."

But to be honest, 90% of taxi drivers are sheep.
They go about their business, busy grazing, paying homage to a pack of wolves who dress as shepherds.

There are 10% lions out there, who are willing to purge the farm of its canine imposters, and lay siege to the manor house.
But first the sheep must look up from their feed, throw off their fleeces and "imitate the action of the tiger; Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, Disguise fair nature with hard- favour'd rage; Then lend the eye a terrible aspect;" and fight for what's rightly theirs!