Tuesday 14 August 2018

MyTaxi Driver Sacked For Pointing Out Company's Multiple Contraventions Of Taxi Regulations

Earlier this year, the flaws in the MyTaxi app passed before my inspection: 

It was possible for someone with multiple convictions to get on to their system, to the point of receiving a statement of earnings. 

But, it seems, MyTaxi is not for listening to those pointing out problems with this app. And one cabby found recently that his insistence on observing regulations meant being sacked from the platform altogether.

Chris Johnson pointed out that MyTaxi was offering app jobs to drivers outside the Greater London area - drivers could lose their licence if TfL concluded that the driver was plying for hire using the app. He asked if drivers were plying for hire on the app, or if an instant hire was a pre-booking (drivers can accept a pre-booking anywhere in England and Wales, but can only ply in their licensed area). He received no reply.

His TfL Taxi licence expired on the MyTaxi system, although he had renewed with TfL. But MyTaxi were sending him instant app jobs on an expired licence, so he complained that this was a public safety risk, as revoked drivers could still operate on MyTaxi on a potential expired TfL licence. No word from MyTaxi.

These are basic safety and regulation issues. And it gets worse.

MyTaxi tells the driver to charge a minimum fare of £10 at certain times of the day, but taxi drivers are not allowed to charge more than the metered fare - as it is an offence. Johnson explained to MyTaxi that MyTaxi could charge the customer more than the metered fare but that would mean that they are the principal in the contract, making him potentially a worker for them. Still no word from MyTaxi.

Read the full story on Zelo Street Blog...click this link:-


Source : Tim Fenton, Zelo Street 


MyTaxi have excluded a driver after he pointed out that drivers could lose their licence for charging more than the metered fare, under their minimum fare policy. This has in the past been pointed out to TfLTPH but they have not commented on the practise, in the same respect that Graham Robinson, General Manager of TfLTPH refuses to comment on the practice of Gett dispatching private hire work on their Taxi app without a PH operators licence. 

It seems if you are a Taxi driver, you have to abide by and comp,y with all Hackney carriage acts, but if you are company run by billion dollar third party investors, you can run roughshod over legislation laid down by parliament. 

You onl have to look at the regulations that have been broken and still continue to be broken by Uber. Yet TfL continue to make excuses for them in the same way they have for the past six years.

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