Sunday 19 August 2018

LCDC Chairman Grant Davis Calls For a uber Re-Trial After Vested Interest Claim In National Press.

As news broke yesterday (which we already new) that Uber appeal Judge Emma Arbuthnot and her husband had a vested interest in the Minicab App Uber, first one up to the plate early this morning, was the London Cab Drivers Club. 

They took to social media:
Once again it surfaces of "vested interests" & the Cab Trade maybe not getting a fair hearing in the Courts over UBER - Plan B ?

Drivers immediately were calling for action on the street and one prominent trade rep said "I’m sure someone’s arranging the placards as we speak".

London Cab Drivers Club Chairman Grant Davis, made this statement earlier this morning:

The Taxi trade needs to come together and Demonstrate against yet another injustice we have had to endure. We need a full investigation from the legal Ombudsman and a Re-trial .
Complete stitch up again.

It will be very interesting over the next few days to see if Reading Council call for a re-trial after their verdict from Emma Arbuthnot went again in Uber's favour!

Read the damming article which appeared on-line in the Observer yesterday. 

Taken from the LCDC face book group.

TAXI LEAKS EXTRA BIT : by Lenny Etheridge 
One of Uber's QC's stated, during the Uber license appeal, that Jo Bertram committed perjury, to win a case.

Judge Emma #Arbuthnot never batted an eyelid.

Why was this serious crime not taken any further by the judiciary?

Bertram lied during employment and during meter cases!


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