Saturday 4 August 2018

Are TfL's Board Members Picked For Their Investment Portfolio, Or For Their Expertise In Transport ?

In the same frame as done deal TfL board member Ron Kalifa and the conflict of interest with World Pay, it seems we have another conflict of interest case with another TfL board member investing in electric vehicles charging stations. 

Is this just another fortunate coincidence, involving yet another TFL board member.. Completely different from worldpay & Ron Kalifa ???

Michael Liebreich was asked this question on Twitter earlier this week:

Of course your business interests in charging points & being involved with TFL is all just a happy coincidence Michael?

Mr Liebreich replied:
No. I have been convinced all transport <300 miles goes electric since around 2010, long before investing in Chargepoint or being appointed to the TfL board. Though I have been and remain (a bit less so today) a @Tesla sceptic. Doubts about execution / quality / safety / finance.

The question now begs to be asked, are TfL's board members picked for their investment interests or for their expertise in transport or transport related areas? 

In our humble opinion it would appear to be option one.  

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