Tuesday 31 July 2018

IEA think-tank responds to 'cash for access' claim

For some time now, we've been keeping an eye on this mob at the IEA, especially with their close links to government ministers and an overwhelming support for the ride share company that allegedly exploits its workers, by paying below the national living wage and seemingly paying very little in the way of taxation. 

The Institute of Economic Affairs has defended telling potential US donors they could get access to government ministers.

Let's just get this straight!

They are telling potential American donors, that they have access to and influence with our governments ministers....and they ar now trying to defend this statement as nothing to see here let's move on type attitude!

But they've been caught out by Greenpeace who have secretly recorded the think-tank's director, Mark Littlewood, saying they are "in the influencing game" and gave the recording to the Guardian newspaper.

The IEA have today stated that these particular donations were for research purposes only and that it makes "no apology for seeking to raise funds".

The Charity Commission, which is already investigating the IEA, is expected to receive evidence from the Guardian and Greenpeace on Monday.


Walter Scott's quote seems very apt in this instance. 

"O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!"

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